3 Simple Steps for Flying with a Baby

3 Simple Steps for Flying with a Baby

For all the parents out there who have any fear about flying with a baby, don’t. I’m here to share just 3 simple tips for flying with a baby that will almost guarantee a sweet grandparent will compliment what a great job you’re doing. It’s always the grandparents, they’re just adorable.

Flying is definitely, hands down, Punky’s preferred method of transportation. She casually reminds us EVERY TIME we go on a road trip. It’s our fault though, she was flying before she was six-months old, all the while getting compliments from sweet grandparents. Here are my tips for surviving flying with a baby…ideally your baby.

3 simple tips for flying with a baby.

  1. Don’t stress about it!
  2. Be prepared
  3. Don’t stress on the flight, either

I did say they were simple, didn’t I? Easy as 1,2,3 and clearly 1 & 3 are practically the same tip

2. Don’t stress about it.

Have you read the articles about parents who create care packages for the other passengers? Isn’t that sweet?! I mean, it definitely is. As for me, oh no, I’m not that mom. That just seems like valuable real estate in a bag that I could have been using to carry something for my baby…and too much planning. I advise that you embrace early on that your baby is a baby with natural baby tendencies. Sometimes these tendencies will seem untimely. Case in point: Punky threw-up all over a baptism dress, I was trying on her. Needless to say, that was the one we bought. Untimely, yes, but not her fault, can’t be helped and it usually makes for a hilarious story later.

That’s how you need to mentally prepare for flying with a baby. Whatever ridiculous thing your baby MIGHT do on the plane won’t be referenced on his/her application to Harvard so don’t sweat it. Control the control-ables (which usually isn’t your baby) but you can definitely control the content of your diaper bag. Which leads us to our next tip.

flying with a baby
Punky not stressing at the airport
2. Be Prepared

Bring enough milk for the baby. Bring a surplus, actually. It is important that the baby be suckling when the altitude changes in the plane. This trick works for toddler, kids and even adults. If you are chewing/drinking when the altitude changes – your ears won’t pop. This was a lovely piece of advice some sweet soul gave me when I was flying and it’s been wonderful. Well except for that time I told my four year old about this and all she heard was that her ears were going to pop; not my best mom moment or flight.

But back to the milk (or juice) the key is to time it so that the baby doesn’t consume all his/her milk before the altitude changes. I find that about the time the plane actually lifts off from the runway is the perfect time to start feeding the baby. I still do this with my girls but we’ve upgraded to fruit snacks or gum. With the right timing you can avoid the baby crying from altitude change…now if he’s crying for any other reason rock him and sing…sing loud or check his diaper.

Bring extra diapers and two/three changes of clothes. Are you paranoid about changing the baby in the airplane bathroom? UGH!! I can’t talk you down from this one – it’s tight. This was a real torture for me. I have such a phobia of airplane bathrooms but when you’re a mom, you do what you have to do. Advice: Don’t try to take the entire diaper bag to the bathroom with you. Take the wipes, the baby, a blanket and the diaper. The blanket is important in case you need to lie the baby down or in case he’s soaked his clothes and needs to be wrapped in the blanket while you carry him back to the seat. Luck favors the prepared – that’s our motto.

Step 3 – Don’t Stress on the Flight, either

How will you actually survive the sitting, the endless sitting. Let the baby do whatever he wants. Seriously, if he won’t stop making eye contact with a stranger. Oh well! Punky used to greet everyone on the plane, non stop, especially if they didn’t respond. She was relentless. If the baby is entertained then all is well. Except if the baby is licking the seats because that gross. But if it doesn’t gross you out, than more power to you. If the baby is entertained, within your boundaries, then go with it.

Fly with a baby
Punky greeting other passengers

Just remember this golden nugget from step 1, “whatever ridiculous thing your baby MIGHT do on the plane won’t be referenced on his/her application to Harvard so don’t sweat it. Control the control-ables.”

Get on the plane! Fly off to a great adventure don’t let the fear of what your baby or child might do keep you from making amazing memories with them. Go forth and be amazing.

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